East Yorkshire Insurance Brokers

Although we find ourselves in the last week of January I would like to start by wishing you a Happy New Year! How a month has already passed since Christmas I’m not sure however we now find ourselves 4 weeks in to a new lockdown and unsure when this one will end!

Since my last newsletter a lot has changed, mainly lockdown and Brexit, please read on for further information on these subjects but as always if you would like to discuss your policy please contact me on 01482 968115.

In this edition you will also see my recommendation for Anoushka Kree from Just Now Financial Services, in future editions I plan to share with you other businesses or individuals who I believe may benefit you or your business.

East Yorkshire Ins Brokers 


This month I would like to introduce you to Anoushka Kree. Anoushka is the Director of Just Now Financial Services and deals with all things Life Insurance. Anoushka would like to ask you the following:
  • If you were unable to work due to accident or illness, how would it affect your lifestyle?
  • If someone in your business was unable to work, how would it affect your business?

These are just a couple of areas where Anoushka can assist you.

Anoushka offers a free no obligation review on services such as Income Protection, Critical Illness, Life Cover, Key Person Cover, Relevant Life Plans, Shareholder Protection, Business Loan Protection and Private Medical Health.

None of us would have predicted what has happened in the last year, so protect yourself for the unexpected.

If you would like a virtual coffee with her to find out more, please feel free to contact her or book an appointment with the following link.


Anoushka – Insurance Expert
Tel: 07885 973333



Following the UK leaving the EU on the 31st December this may have an impact on your insurance if you deal within the EU or you plan to use your vehicle within the EU please consider the following:
  • Motor Insurers now require green cards when you are driving within the EU, these can take a minimum of 2 weeks to issue.
  • Do you import or export goods from outside of the UK? Your insurance company should already be aware of this but you may wish to check this is not impacted due to Brexit.
  • Foreign Property – If you have a holiday home or other property in Europe it may impact you insuring the property through UK insurance markets.


I hope you remain well during this third lockdown, unfortunately it seems we are likely to be in lockdown for at least another month if not longer. There may be implications on your insurance so please consider the following:
  • If your business premises or rental property is unoccupied for more than 30 days your insurance company may apply unoccupied terms which will reduce your cover. If this is the case please contact me to discuss the details.
  • If your business continues to use electronic equipment away from the office you may wish to add all risks cover on to your policy (if not currently insured). 
  • If staff handle sensitive client data, to avoid potential data losses ensure all data is correctly stored and any physical copies are destroyed.
  • To help avoid claims ensure staff training is up to date e.g. DSE (Display Screen Equipment).
  • If you think you may need to make a claim please contact me on 01482 968115.