On 2nd October, I’m delighted to confirm I climbed Snowdon in aid of The Children’s Air Ambulance. The weather was atrocious with none stop rain, and the wind was up to approx 45mph; however, I successfully reached the summit after around 3 hours with the six others that were also carrying out the challenge. So far, I have raised £675 for the Children’s Air Ambulance. Although the challenge has now been completed, donations are still welcome. A massive thank you to everyone who has donated so far. Without you, I’m not sure if I would have made it to the peak!
I’m currently looking for a local charity within the East Yorkshire area to support next year. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!
I’m pleased to confirm we have recently entered into an agreement with Rebuild Cost Assessment. Insurance claims are often impacted due to under-insurance however Rebuild Cost Assessment can offer you a desktop rebuild valuation to ensure your commercial/residential property is insured for the correct amount. As part of this agreement, all East Yorkshire Insurance Brokers will receive a £20 discount for a desktop survey.
Health and Safety in the workplace
As furlough comes to an end, more staff are going to be returning to the workplace. Health & Safety in the workplace could potentially lead to issues in the workplace. To help business, Danum Business Solutions have written an article on “Who is your Health and Safety Hero?”