East Yorkshire Insurance Brokers
Call Us: 01482 968115
Call Us: 01482 968115
Starting with very little the business has substantially grown in this 2 year period, many thanks to all our clients and friends who have supported us and joined us on our business journey so far.
The future is bright for the business and we can’t wait to see where the business is in 2 years time!
At the beginning of May we moved in to our brand new office! Having being in 161 for over 18 months it was time to move in to a larger, more suitable office.
This will be a huge benefit for the business going forward and will give us the opportunity for the business to continue growing and expand the team when opportunities arise.
John would love to see more people coming into the office, why not pop in for a brew?
We welcome David Spiking to our team. David joins EYIB on a 12 week placement from the Create to Change program. He started on Monday 23rd May and is doing great in his role.
David has many hobbies he loves to do including football. He plays for a Sunday league team and also helps out at the Tiger Trust football events every Monday and Thursday.
Approx 35-40% of landlord properties are underinsured in the UK, our friends over at Rebuildcostassessment.com have a useful video on setting the correct the correct rebuild amount.
If you’re concerned your sums insured may be incorrect, contact us today at 01482 968115.
Copyright © 2022 East Yorkshire Insurance Brokers Ltd, All rights reserved.
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Our contact number is:
01482 968115