East Yorkshire Insurance Brokers

East Yorkshire Insurance Broker banner with Christmas theme

EYIB Christmas Newsletter

I’d like to wish all of our clients and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from East Yorkshire Insurance Brokers.

Christmas & New Year opening times

East Yorkshire Insurance Brokers Christmas opening hours

Charity Donations

Since starting trading in 2020 I’ve always tried to do by best to support charities, this year instead of purchasing Christmas cards I decided to give 2 small donations to local charities. 

One of these has gone to our friends and fellow pet lovers Oakwood Dog Rescue and the other to East Yorkshire Foodbank.

It’s an awful time when families are having to choose between heating their homes and putting food on their table, hopefully this donation means East Yorkshire Foodbank can provide much needed support to families in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

If you would like to support either of the charities, follow the above links.

East Yorkshire foodbank logo

A year in review

It doesn’t seem like 2 minutes ago that it was the start of the year and now it’s almost 2023!

This year has seen the continued sponsorship of North Ferriby FC for the 3rd consecutive season, the businesses second birthday in March and some great feedback from new clients.

I’ve also released 2 insurance related blogs, one on The Average Clause and the other on Contractors Insurance, hopefully we’ll have one on Professional Indemnity in 2023! If you’ve not yet checked these out, please do!

I’ve also had a very busy year networking, our Growth Community meetings continue at the Holiday Inn and I’ve also held business insurance clinics with the Hull BIPC whilst also attending some of their networking events. Many thanks also to Croner who held a HR presentation for some of my clients.

I’m pleased to say the business has had another successful 12 months and I look forward to the next 12!

Image of terraced houses with the title 'The Average Clause'
Ball sponsorship at North Ferriby FC by East Yorkshire Insurance Brokers
East Yorkshire Insurance Brokers 5 star review
Growth Community networking - Hull

The Year Ahead

I’m very much looking forward to 2023, in March the business turns 3 years old and I honestly don’t know where those 3 years have gone.

I’m, sure it will be another busy year dealing with a variety of different business insurance policies and if you know of any business who needs assistance arranging their business insurance or perhaps haven’t review it recently, please do get in touch with me! 

As a reminder, I can help businesses with the following types of insurance:

Public & Products Liability
Employers’ Liability
Stock / Contents
Cargo / Haulage
Directors & Officers
Professional Indemnity
Motor Fleet

and many other types of commercial insurance.

The Growth Community

Growth Community networking

The Growth Community is now taking a break for the rest of the year, but will return on Monday 16th January.

If you’d like to kick start 2023 with a friendly networking community, why not pop down and say hello?

Click HERE to book!

Business Insurance: Expert Clinic

BIPC logo

On January 12th 2023, I will be running a FREE insurance clinic with the Hull BIPC team, these clinics are ideal for anyone looking to start a business and looking for advice on what business insurance they may need and how it can impact their business.

I’ll also be more than happy to share my own hints and tips from my own business experience.

This is open to anyone across the country and will be held via Microsoft Teams.

Book here!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year